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  • NMB bearing official website enterprise overview

    introduction:We all knowNMBBearing bar,NMBBearing created in1951Nagano Prefecture, Japan。So you know how their business is going,Lets seeNMBBearing enterprise development experience!

    2018-10-26 Reading quantity 5766

  • zwz steel rolling mill bearing product picture and characteristics

    introduction:Because the mill working environment is bad,Counter mill bearing​Have a more serious impact。Therefore, maintain the rolling mill bearings in daily life,It is an important link to keep the mill in good working condition,The failure rate of rolling mill can be reduced,Improve the service life and working performance of rolling mill,Further reduce the investment in equipment maintenance,Reduce costs and improve economic efficiency。

    2018-10-26 Reading quantity 287

  • Incorrect use of pneumatic pressure relays

    introduction:​Pneumatic pressure relays are often used in the hydraulic circuit of the accumulator to maintain pressure,The action of the main reversing valve makes the hydraulic cylinder work tightly,The oil line pressure rises,The pneumatic pressure relay sends a signal to energize the 2-way directional valve,Hydraulic pump unloading,The check valve closes automatically,The hydraulic cylinder is maintained by an accumulator。

    2018-10-26 Reading quantity 344

  • The causes of oil leakage failure of gear reduction stepper motor are analyzed briefly

    introduction:Put simply,Give the stepper motor​Equipped with a reducer is called a deceleration stepper motor。Many applications and even many general devices have large load inertia,The motor has insufficient acceleration torque,This problem can be solved by using a decelerating stepper motor。 Decelerating stepper motor is suitable for low speed and high torque brake applications,The gear reducer is required to have small backlash、Impact resistance、High tooth surface strength。 Gear reduction stepper motor There are42mm、60mm、90mmThree models,Reduction ratio coverage3.6~100。

    2018-10-26 Reading quantity 321

  • ABBA ball screw is used in the daily maintenance of CNC machine tools

    introduction:taiwan-importedABBABall screw is widely used in CNC machine tools and other automatic control equipment。In particular, high-precision ball screw equipment is required,Be sure to pay attention to its maintenance。As an energy saver、The use of precision transmission components ball screw pairs is also increasing。How to use and maintain more accuratelyABBABall screw is a problem we often encounter in our daily contact work。In order to better target different types of mechanical equipment,In installation and installationABBABall screw should pay attention to the following four points。

    2018-10-26 Reading quantity 513

  • What are the installation methods of lyc bearing deep groove ball series?

    introduction:Deep groove ball bearing​Simple structure,It is easy to achieve higher manufacturing accuracy than other types,Therefore, it is convenient for serial mass production,Manufacturing costs are also lower,Extremely common。Deep groove ball bearings in addition to the basic type,There are also various variant structures,Such as:Deep groove ball bearing with dust cover,Deep groove ball bearing with rubber seal,Deep groove ball bearing with stop groove,Deep groove ball bearing with large load capacity and ball filling gap,Double row deep groove ball bearings。

    2018-10-25 Reading quantity 333

  • nb linear module BG structure features and advantages

    introduction:In recent years,With Chinas industrial upgrading,The rapid development of automation industry in China,For linear modules​An important part of,In industrial automation,We are also very focused on development;Linear module is an important part of industrial automation,Its development has influenced the trends in the automation industry。 BGType is a small integrated rolling guide and precision ball screw1Shaft intelligent combination actuator。adoptedUZigzag guide,The inner part is equipped with a sliding block with the function of a slider and a ball screw nut,Therefore with tradition Compared with the positioning table can greatly save space。

    2018-10-25 Reading quantity 222

  • High precision laser displacement sensor measurement and application cases

    introduction:​High precision laser displacement sensors are often used for length、distance、Vibration、speed、Measurement of physical quantities such as azimuth,It can also be used for flaw detection and air pollutant monitoring。

    2018-10-25 Reading quantity 263

  • How to use NMB bearing bushing?

    introduction:Do you know anything about the bearing sleeve,The following Xiaobian take you to understand the bearing bushing!

    2018-10-23 Reading quantity 370

  • hsk linear bearing Taiwan brand work process introduction

    introduction:Linear bearing​Is a high precision、Low cost、Linear motion system with low friction resistance。Linear bearings are used in combination with guide shafts,A direct motion system that uses the rolling motion of the ball to realize infinite linear motion。Because the bearing ball is in point contact with the shaft,So the use of small load。The steel ball spins with minimal friction resistance,Thus, high precision smooth motion can be obtained。

    2018-10-24 Reading quantity 950