introduction:Fault phenomenon:When the engine is idling,Clutch pedal is pressed to the bottom,But its hard to get in gear,Theres a banging sound in the change gear。Barely in gear,The clutch pedal has not been released,The car is running or stalled。 Fault check:Remove clutch bottom cover,Put the transmission into neutral,Press the clutch to the bottom。then,Toggle the driven disk with the driver。If its easy to turn,Explanatory separation
2015-12-30 Reading quantity 1682
introduction:With the development of direct drive technology,Linear screw stepper motor with conventional“Rotary servo motor Ball screw”The comparison of driving methods has attracted the attention of the industry。Now some technologically advanced machining center manufacturers have begun to apply on their high-speed machine tools。 Precision aspect: The linear screw stepper motor reduces the problem of interpolation lag because of the simple transmission mechanism,Positioning accuracy、reproductin
2015-12-30 Reading quantity 1636