introduction:We know,General hot-rolled slider steel surface oxide sheet3layer,The inner layer near the base iron is rich body,In the middleFe3O4,The outer layer isFe2O3。Which is conducive to pickling of the rich in575Above degrees is stable,in570The degree of
2015-02-14 Reading quantity 63095
introduction:Shanghai YinKKmodule/Guide rail actuatorKRType characteristics are as follows:(1) Multiplex design:Ball screw for integrated drive and guideUShaped orbit,In addition to providing precision linear motion,It can also be paired with multifunctional accessories。When importing a multi-purpose application design
2015-02-23 Reading quantity 102121
introduction:Mobil rail oil,It is an essential item for rail maintenance,The rail oil has the function of protecting the rail,It can make the guide rail rust resistant、High-temperature resistant type、Corrosion resistance and other effects?。
2015-03-05 Reading quantity 27447
introduction:On-stock models of silver linear guides: HGH15CA HGH20CA HGH20HA HGH25CA HGH25HA HGH30CA HGH30HA HGH35CA H
2015-03-08 Reading quantity 86906
introduction:Silver linear guide rail:Three fixed points at both ends of the mounting side of the guide rail are used as the lateral reference of the guide rail,Two fixed points are used as lateral reference points for a reference guide,Another fixed point is used to determine the distance between the other guide rail and the reference guide rail。Structural characteristics:Reference guide,The reference guide rail is fixed on the base by a fixed positioning piece,The side of the reference guide rail is provided with another guide rail by a fixed positioning piece,Each guide The micro displacement adjustment is provided with a number of independent adjustment points on both sides
2015-03-13 Reading quantity 58689
introduction:Linear guides are of high quality、Easy to use、Design safe products。To ensure safer use,Please note the following。 oiling 1、When using oil lubrication,According to the installation status of the slider,Sometimes the oil does not reach the orbit。In this case,Please ask...NSKNegotiate。 2、If the product is coated with anti-rust oil at the time of delivery,Please wipe the anti-rust oil before use
2015-12-31 Reading quantity 1745
introduction:We all know that the mechanical industry now uses more guide rails,So today we will talk about the machine tool guidehiwinLinear guide。
2015-03-23 Reading quantity 9593
introduction:TaiwanHIWINLinear guide,It is a four-row single arc tooth contact linear guide,At the same time, it integrates the optimal structural design of the super-heavy load precision linear guide,Increased load and rigidity compared to other linear guides;With four directions of equal load features、And automatic aligning function,Can absorb the mounting surface assembly error,Meet the requirements of high precision。High speed、High load、The concept of high rigidity and high precision has become the trend of the future development of industrial products all over the world。
2015-04-03 Reading quantity 31925
introduction:At present, the standardization of the linear guide rail market is relatively high,Most types are interchangeable between brands, except for some Japanese brands,This is also the trend of the entire transmission machinery product market。There are two types of model arrangement rules for each manufacturer,One is the European system,
2015-04-10 Reading quantity 57165