introduction:Germany Rexroth guide rail production design solution Germany Rexroth guide rail is due to the rolling operation of the ball,So the friction is very small,This will reduce some wear and tear,Can give us resources to get a good solution,It saves a lot of resources to implement other things。In addition,The German Rexroth rail is also very convenient to install,We dont need to have an overly complicated process,It just needs us to make simple adjustments to operate on its own。after,Another important advantage is that the gap on both sides is still relatively large,It will not cause a blockage of the machine because of a little dust or debris。
2018-09-18 Reading quantity 587
introduction:Life calculation: KMModules consist of linear guides、Ball screw and bearing are composed of three main components,Its rated life is calculated as described below,Where the rated life is defined as: When a batch of linear guides or ball screws of the same specification move under the same conditions,therein90%The total operating distance that can be traveled without surface fatigue spalling。
2018-09-17 Reading quantity 292
introduction:1、Mechanical parts:Gear drive (1)Because its the bite,Presence of reverse gap; (2)Uniformity of accuracy is difficult to guarantee; (3)The operating speed is low; (4)Long time running mechanical wear is greater; (5)The vibration of intertooth occlusion is larger,Easy to cause bearing wear,Axis fracture,And loud noise; (6)More maintenance,Etc.。Suitable for slower running speed requirements,Heavier load,Long travel and other applications。
2018-09-17 Reading quantity 444
introduction:Dingge slide table size specification table Dingge sliding table is a mechanical structure that can provide linear motion,Can be used horizontally or vertically,It can also be used in combination with specific motion mechanisms——This is commonly known in the automation industry asXYshaft、XYZAxis and other multi-axial motion mechanism。This institution has different names in different industries,Some of the more common names are:Straight slide、Linear slide、Electric cylinder、Electric slide、Robotic arm、manipulator。To choose the right slide first of all must be selected,How much do you know about the size of the slide?The following Feng Ye Xiaobian will take you to understand a slide table size specifications。
2018-09-15 Reading quantity 492
introduction:Slide structure:Horizontal horizontal slide table Table size:180mm×180mm Base size:183mm×495mm Moving stroke:300mm Slide material:Cast iron
2018-09-14 Reading quantity 237
introduction:In recent years, with the improvement of the level of automation in our country, the linear guide industry has developed rapidly,However, many new users do not know how to install linear guides at all,Here is a small series for you to introduce the five main points of linear guide rail installation。 one、High rigidity under vibration impact、High precision installation 1、Linear guide rail installation A、Before installing the track, we should first make the dirt on the mounting surface thoroughly clear,Then square the slide rail onto the mounting surface,Keep the track datum close to the mounting surface;
2018-09-14 Reading quantity 507
introduction:General vertical installation is also fixed with screws,However, it is not good to run the horizontal pressure to carry out the parallelism of the linear guide rail of Yintai,When installing screws,Probably because of uneven force,Lead to2The total height tolerance of parallel guides is relatively large,The accuracy of the equipment is affected。And then because the vertical force points are different,This will cause Yintai linear guide rail easy to damage,And its not easy to calculate the load。Maybe because of the load,Lead to rail damage。 The latter point,We talked about handstand mounting,In this case,The force is inverted and vertical,however,Because its vertically mounted,While the equipment is in operation,Also calculate the vertical reverse force and the vertical force of the machine weight itself,In this case,Customer selection,Well, multiply the load on Yintai linear guide rail data by3Multiple load selection,In this way, the normal operation and life of the equipment can be guaranteed。
2018-09-13 Reading quantity 545
introduction:Cylindrical guide manufacturers describe the selection of linear cylindrical guide Cylindrical guide rail is also called round rod guide rail,Aluminum support guide,Linear bearing sliders, etc。The main material is aluminum,Cylinders are generally high carbon steel,There are carbon steel soft shaft and carbon steel hard shaft。There is also the bearing steel。The slider is usually aluminum,Inside the slider is a linear bearing,The bearing inside is generally plastic frame with steel ball。The single slide block of cylindrical guide rail will shake left and right when sliding,Usually two are needed together,Balance slider,No precision at all,Precisely because of this,Cylindrical guides are among all linear。
2018-09-12 Reading quantity 218
introduction:Straight line moduleMatching machine(Servomotor or stepper motor is optional)+Control system,Install the end piece+A suitable set of procedures,Just simple、Practical single-axis manipulator,It can also be used in combination with multiple axes,Cross type、Cantilever type,Gantry type,Is an affordable coordinate manipulator,The common control system of linear module is programming controller(PLC)Or control card or other pulse controller。
2018-09-11 Reading quantity 430