introduction: Injection molded bearing cage: The development of national defense and industry has put forward many new requirements for rolling bearings,Promote the continuous improvement and development of bearing cage in terms of structure and material。At present,The role of the cage in the rolling bearing has gone beyond holding、every...
2016-04-08 Reading quantity 1521
introduction: Concepts and terms related to the assembly process of rolling bearings: 1.Contact Angle The plane perpendicular to the shaft line of the bearing(Radial plane)Fit with a rolling element driven by a bearing ring or washer...
2016-04-08 Reading quantity 1515
introduction:Only buy the right couplings, not the expensive onesTL8Bottom price,Choose the real thing,Current iron price hit10Lowest wool cost in years,Another point is that CNC machining is more convenient,Specific cast steel,Forging steel saves labor and effort,The finished product is cheaper。Choose the coupling factory with high quality and low price!
2016-04-08 Reading quantity 186
introduction: FAGInner guide and outer guide of bearing: Bearing working process,The movement of the cage is the most unstable。therefore,Must have some guidance,To ensure smooth operation of the cage,Reduce the effect of the cage alternating stress...
2016-04-09 Reading quantity 1506
introduction: Causes of bearing noise:
Loud metal noise
Reading quantity 1530
introduction: Rolling bearing operating temperature and related effects:
Reading quantity 1566
introduction: What is the effect of the amount of grease injection on the use of bearings?
Reading quantity 1501
introduction: Rolling bearing failure occurs in four stages: Rolling bearings are the most widely used in rotating machinery,It is also one of the most vulnerable components。Many failures of rotating machinery are related to rolling bearings,shaft...
2016-04-09 Reading quantity 1646
introduction: Bearing vibration grade standard: &nb...
2016-04-09 Reading quantity 1863
introduction: What is the harm of residual magnetic to the use of bearings?
Reading quantity 1932