introduction: Nowadays,The most used high-speed spindle bearings are stillFAGImported bearing mixed ceramic ball bearing,That is, the rolling element is hot pressed or hot isostatic pressedSi3N4Ceramic ball,FAGBearing rings are still steel rings。This kind ofFAGHigh degree of standardization of imported bearings,Low price,Small changes to the machine,Easy maintenance,Especially suitable for high-speed operation。thereofd·nValue has exceeded2.7×106。In order to increaseFAGService life of bearings,Can increase the wear resistance of raceway,Coating or other surface treatment of raceways。<...
2016-03-11 Reading quantity 1619
introduction: Knowledge of bearing installation and bearing removal: Mounting method of bearing The mounting method of bearings varies according to the bearing type and matching conditions。 <...
2016-03-11 Reading quantity 1589
introduction: Bearing mounting Bearing type Bearing technology one:Ceramic bearings compared to all steel bearings have8Great advantage: 1、Long life、wear-resistant—The fatigue life of all ceramic bearing is expected to be higher than that of all steel bearing...
2016-03-12 Reading quantity 1564
introduction: Bearing installation and bearing disassembly methods: The storage of bearings must first fully consider the size and weight of the storage of bearings,The next thing to consider is the necessary handling space and equipment,To ensure that the storage and access will not collide with the bearing。Bearings should not be placed directly on the ground。therefore,It is necessary to configure the appropriate shelves,And the bottom of the shelf should be high...
2016-03-12 Reading quantity 1561
introduction:SKFBearing sleeve design for bearing configuration-Angular contact thrust ball bearing lead screw:
SKFThe unidirectional thrust angular contact ball bearing of the imported bearing achieves flexible layout design。As standard,They are commonly used as sleeves for mounting up to four matching sets of bearings。The bearing can be used in all combinations。
SKFImported bearings are universally matched bearings:
Reading quantity 1589
introduction:SKFThe full name is“Svenska Kullager-Fabriken”The Chinese transliterated name is“SKF”,SKFBearing isSKFThe bearings produced,In the global bearing industry,Maintain leadership。SKFBearing where to sell,SKFCommon problems in the use of bearings are the concerns of many friends。 &...
2016-03-12 Reading quantity 1582
Correct maintenance method of rolling bearing-Reduce bearing failure-Prolong the service life of bearings:
Then it can effectively extend the service life of the bearing,Use the right curing method。Reduces the appearance of bearing failure。
Reading quantity 1624
introduction:Low temperature bearing steel High temperature bearing steel corrosion resistant bearing steel introduction: one、Low temperature bearing steel The turbopump bearings that provide liquid fuel for the rocket must be in liquid oxygen and liquid...
2016-03-12 Reading quantity 1606
introduction: Bearing parts classification and bearing parts definition
Bearing parts:Constitutes one of the parts of the rolling bearing,But it does not include all attachments。
Bearing ring:A ring part of a radial rolling bearing having one or more raceways。
Bearing washer:A ring part of a thrust rolling bearing having one or more raceways。
Reading quantity 1570