introduction:nachiDiagram of radial ball bearing NACHIFujikoshi Company was founded in1928years,Since its inception has been committed to the development of mechanical technology,And machinery manufacturing。The main factory is located in Toyama, Japan,North America、South America、There are also production sites in Europe and Asia,And set up a permanent representative office and sales outlets in the world,Can quickly and accurately grasp the market trends,Meet the customers wishes。
2018-08-25 Reading quantity 496
introduction:Linear bearing box typeSCSeries standardSC8UUN SC10UUN SC12UUNSC13UUN SC16UUN SC20UUN SC25UUN SC30UUN SC35UUN SC40UUN SC50UUN Box linear bearing lengthened typeSC8WUUNSC10WUUN SC12WUUN SC13WUUN SC16WUUN SC20WUUN SC25WUUN SC30WUUN SC35WUUNSC40WUUN SC50WUUN Box linear bearing short typeSC8VUUN SC10VUUN SC12VUUN SC13VUUN SC16VUUN SC20VUUN SC25VUUN SC30VUUNSC35VUUN SC40VUUN SC50VUUN
2018-08-24 Reading quantity 305
introduction:fagCharacteristics of angular contact ball bearings FAGBearing is technologyFAGMain shaft bearing:The main shaft bearing is made of a solid inner ring、Outer ring、The ball、And an angular contact ball bearing consisting of a cage assembly with a solid window cage,They are not removable。FAGThere are many kinds of bearings,Each type of bearing has different characteristics,The following Feng Ye Xiaobian will take you to understandFAGCharacteristics of angular contact ball bearings。
2018-08-24 Reading quantity 1165
introduction:Screw diameter specification parameter diagram screw:A cylinder with a spiral groove cut into the outer surface or a cone with a conical spiral groove cut into the outer surface。The screw has different heads,The head in the picture is called the outer hex screw。There are others,For example, a large flat screw、Hex socket screws and so on。Screw is mainly used in injection molding machine、extruder,For screw size and direct and model,I still dont understand a lot of purchases,The following Xiaobian will take you to a quick understanding,Easily solve difficult selection problems。
2018-08-20 Reading quantity 622
introduction:Lead screw manufacturers describe the characteristics of blacksmith lead screw The lead screw converts the rotary motion into a straight line motion,Or the ideal product for converting linear motion into rotary motion。The blacksmith screw consists of a screw、nut、Steel ball、Preforming plate、reverser、Dust filter composition。Its function is to convert rotational motion into linear motion,This is a further extension and development of the blacksmith screw,The significance of this development is to change the bearing from a sliding action to a rolling action。
2018-08-20 Reading quantity 371
introduction:First of all,Considering the working environment conditions of the stainless steel bearing itself,Therefore, it is required that the material used has a certain corrosion resistance,That is, the material has good resistance to corrosion。And when you lubricate it,embellishaThe oil will gradually oxidize when used in the atmosphere,Acid producing,And in most lubricants also contain extreme pressure additives,They all corrode the bearing material,therefore,Bearing materials need to be corrosion resistant。 secondly,Combined with the running characteristics of stainless steel bearing to analyze,Because it needs to stay in operation for a long time during the production process,Therefore, the material used must have a certain wear resistance,And has excellent resistance to wear。
2018-08-18 Reading quantity 302
introduction:usual,The axis is in twoMRMicro bearings are supported in both radial and axial directions,now,The micro bearing on one side is called the fixed side micro bearing,It bears both radial and axial loads,It plays the role of relative axial displacement between the fixed shaft and the miniature bearing box。Lets call the other side the free side,Radial load only,The axis can move relative to each other,This can solve the problem of shaft expansion caused by temperature change and the spacing error of installation of micro bearings。
2018-08-17 Reading quantity 295
introduction:Import from JapanNMBMicro bearing true and false identification NMBIt is a kind of high precision micro bearing imported from Japan,Therefore, many domestic manufacturers began to have bad ideas,Produce an inferior product with high imitation。There are also some people who buy fake goods,The following Feng Ye Xiaobian will take you to understandNMBThe true and false identification of micro bearing。
2018-08-17 Reading quantity 259
introduction:As an international general bearing product,Cylindrical roller bearings play a very important role in the development of the vast industry,But as a precision bearing product,The majority of users need to pay attention to a lot of problems in the process of use,Among them, the use of cylindrical roller bearings is a very important problem,Lets take a closer look。 The first thing we have to do is the choice of cooperation,The inner and outer diameter dimensions of cylindrical roller bearings are manufactured according to standard tolerances,In general, choosing the right fit takes into account the actual load conditions of cylindrical roller bearings、Operating temperature and other requirements to carry out,But in fact, it is very difficult to choose a match based on your own experience in most cases。
2018-08-15 Reading quantity 391
introduction:NSKAligning roller bearing type classification With the development of mechanical automation industry,This has also led to the development of many self-aligning roller bearings。Bearings are commonly used in mechanical rolling devices in the mechanical automation industry。NSKAligning roller bearing is a kind of high precision bearing produced in Japan,towardsNSKHow much do you know about aligning roller bearings?The following Feng Ye Xiaobian will take you to understandNSKType category of aligning roller bearings。
2018-08-15 Reading quantity 468