introduction:1TaiwanLTM1180Type truck crane after long-term use,The bearing part of the rotary pinion in the rotary reducer is heated、Abnormal sound、Oil spill。Check and find,Bearing seat of slewing reducer is worn and broken,Bearing outer ring off。 The casing of the rotary reducer is made of cast steel,...
2016-04-05 Reading quantity 1593
introduction: A (machine)ABServo motor(MPL-B640F-MJ24AA),Disassemble and check the brake because the customer has no experience,Even the encoder, which is fixed at the end of the motor, is removed(unmarked),Encoder yessicktheSRM50-HFA0-K01。Do you have the rear brakes on...
2016-04-06 Reading quantity 1605
introduction: The main reasons for corrosion of reducer bearings are as follows: 1、Some enterprises in the production of reducer bearing in the process,It does not strictly follow the requirements of cleaning rust-proof procedures and oil seal rust-proof packaging,On the process of the reducer...
2016-04-07 Reading quantity 1584
introduction: Quality standards for couplings: ①The coupling must be intact,No crack、Dense porosity and other defects。&...
2016-04-01 Reading quantity 1546
introduction:Couplings are used to join two axes in different mechanisms(Drive shaft and driven shaft)A mechanical part that rotates together to transmit torque。It is understood,In high-speed and heavy-duty power transmission,Some couplings have cushioning、Damping and improving the dynamic performance of shafting。The coupling consists of two halves,Differ from......
2016-04-01 Reading quantity 1613
introduction:This article describes the principle of thermal relays Application of working principle of thermal relay in motor Thermal relay The flow element is composed of a bimetal sheet,The principle of thermal relay is when the current is too high,The bimetal sheet heats up,Which deforms it、displacement,Top open protection contact,Contactor control loop disconnected,So that the Lord...
2016-04-01 Reading quantity 1559
introduction: In the previous article,Have we already explained to you what a coupling is,I believe we all understand its working principle and characteristics。Today, we will continue to talk about the coupling,But this article is to explain the selection and use of couplings,Here I will focus on explaining the selection procedure and coupling shaft for everyone...
2016-04-01 Reading quantity 1585
introduction:Key features of elastic couplings include zero backlash、isokinetic、Torsional stiffness、torque、Bearing load、inertia、The ability to absorb shock、Angular deviation、Parallel deviation、Axial motion、Whether maintenance is required、Electrical insulation and price, etc。
2016-04-01 Reading quantity 262
introduction:Liquid level relay schematic diagram,The water level of the water tank is too low(Lower than the yellow wire terminal)when,The first level is low,The triode is in a cut-off state,The collector is high;The second triode base has enough current to pass through,Triode drink and conduction,relay(K)It has to be electrocuted,Normally open contact(2、3foot)Normal close,The external contactor is electrically drawn、The pump pumps the water supply tank。
2016-03-09 Reading quantity 2098
introduction:The working principle of frequency converter,The working principle of the inverter is to control the main circuit through the control circuit,A rectifier in the main circuit converts alternating current to direct current,The DC intermediate circuit smooths the DC current,The inverter finally converts the direct current back into alternating current at the desired frequency and voltage,Part of the frequency converter will also be added in the circuitCPUisocomponent,To perform the necessary torque calculations。
2016-03-05 Reading quantity 1040